I created this shot using an iPhone (14, not even a 16) at home, using non-professional lighting modifiers, utilizing Photoshop's GenAI to produce the background. The shot took 15 minutes to set up, the background about 10 minutes.
For photographers, they must accept the new era we've entered. Ideally, people would be transparent with their imagery and efforts, but don't count on it. We already see so many posting photos online as if they were shot in camera yet it's obvious they weren't. Us experts can easily spot the fake qualities, yet many in the public cannot, admiring painfully-lousy images. This is unfortunately the new norm.

As for visual content creation with large retailers, this use of AI is already occurring to speed up digital production processes, create dynamic imagery more affordably, and utilize assets in numerous ways to maximize marketing materials and budgets. We've used Photoshop to create outdoor backgrounds for studio-shot editorials for years, yet now it can be done faster, better (if done right), and cheaper using AI (not to mention so many other applications to improve content creation processes).
However you can't assume to upgrade to AI if you don't have a base to work from and a clear understanding of the intricacies of content creation. Knowing how and where AI can be applied to get quick wins, and ultimately long-term benefits, is an art of its own.
© Sean Arbabi | seanarbabi.com (all rights reserved worldwide) #AI #photoshop #visualcontent #artificialintelligence #photography #contentcreation #genAI #digitalproduction